Man convicted of killing 6 members of his ex-wife’s family in Texas

A man accused of killing six members of his estranged wife’s family in Texas has been found guilty of capital murder.

Ronald Lee Haskell, 39, was convicted in the 2014 killings of Stephen and Katie Stay and four of their five children in Spring, Texas.

Authorities said he entered the Stays’ home on July 9, 2014, demanding to know the whereabouts of his estranged wife, Melannie Haskell. She was not there, but her sister, Katie Stay, and her family were.

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Stephen Stay, 39, Katie Stay, 33, two boys, ages 13 and 4, and two girls, ages 9 and 7, were killed when Haskell opened fire, the Harris County Sheriff’s Office said. Only one member of the family, then 15-year-old Cassidy Stay, survived.

Authorities at the time indicated she was critically wounded, though she later made a full recovery.

Jurors on Thursday unanimously rejected Ronald Lee Haskell’s insanity defense.

The jury was dismissed until Monday for sentencing.

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