Trevor Noah asks Hillary Clinton How She Killed Jeffrey Epstein

Trevor Noah and Hillary ClintonGetty Images

A “vast right-wing conspiracy” still hounds Hillary Clinton, who was jokingly asked by “The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah how she managed to kill pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in a Manhattan jail cell.

“I have to ask you a question that has been plaguing me for a while: How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?” Noah asked, drawing laughter from Clinton, 71, and the New York studio audience on Thursday.

“Because you’re not in power, but you have all the power. I really need to understand how you do what you do, because you seem to be behind everything nefarious, and yet you do not use it to become president,” he continued.

“Honestly, what does it feel like being the boogeyman to the right?” the host asked the former presidential candidate and ex-secretary of state.

“Well, it’s a constant surprise to me,” responded a chuckling Clinton, who was appearing alongside her daughter, Chelsea, 39, to promote their new joint project, “The Book of Gutsy Women.”

“Because the things they say, and now, of course, it’s on steroids with being online, are so ridiculous, beyond any imagination that I could have,” she said.

“And yet they are so persistent in putting forth these crazy ideas and theories. Honestly, I don’t know what I ever did to get them so upset.”

variety of conspiracy theories emerged after Epstein was found dead in his cell at the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center while awaiting trial on federal sex-trafficking charges.

Among them was that he had been murdered at the behest of the Clintons — as the hashtag #ClintonBodyCount trended.

A state medical examiner has concluded that Epstein committed suicide by hanging on Aug. 10.

Famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, who was hired by Epstein’s brother to investigate the death, rekindled speculation about conspiracies when he said on “Fox & Friends” this week that the autopsy results were more consistent with homicide than suicide.

But New York City chief medical examiner Barbara Sampson quickly rejected Baden’s claims, stating she stands “firmly” behind her conclusion that Epstein’s death was a suicide.

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