Eric Holder could be preparing to throw himself into the 2020 Democratic primary race, despite ruling out a bid for the presidency earlier this year, an MSNBC analyst has reported.

Eugene Robinson claimed on social media last night that the Obama-era attorney general had spoken with strategists about running in the already crowded Democratic 2020 primary field, saying the information came from a “good source.”

The analyst’s claim was also repeated on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show yesterday evening, following several reports that former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is also considering pitching himself against frontrunners Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

“It gets even more interesting,” Robinson tweeted last night. “I hear from a good source that Eric Holder has been consulting strategists about possibly jumping into the Dem presidential race.”

Speaking on her show last night, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow reported the network analyst’s claim and said: “If Eric Holder is in the mix, and Mike Bloomberg looks like he might be in the mix, well jeez, just when you thought it’s all over, it’s never over.”

Holder has not yet publicly addressed reports that he is thinking of putting himself forward in the Democratic primaries, and tweeted about gerrymandering hours after Eugene Robinson claimed he was consulting strategists on the possible move.

Newsweek has attempted to reach Eric Holder for confirmation of whether or not he plans to run in 2020, but did not receive a response by time of publication.

The former attorney general, who held office from 2009 to 2015 and is now chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, categorically ruled out a bid for the presidency in March this year.

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder addresses the second day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia on July 26, 2016.AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES/TIMOTHY A. CLARY

In a Washington Post op-ed, the Democrat said that he would “not run for president in 2020” and instead focus on his work fighting state legislature gerrymandering with the NDRC.

“I will do everything I can to ensure that the next Democratic president is not hobbled by a House of Representatives pulled to the extremes by members from gerrymandered districts,” Holder wrote.

He also said that the Democratic primary field at the time had depth, diversity and “a host of good options,” a statement that will no doubt raise questions should Holder decide to enter the race.

Reports of a potential Holder candidacy in 2020 came shortly after The New York Times and other outlets reported that the billionaire Michael Bloomberg was readying paperwork for a primary entrance this week.

In a tongue-in-cheek tweet, Senator Elizabeth Warren welcomed the former New York Mayor to the campaign with a link to her campaign’s tax calculator for billionaires.

The field of Democratic presidential candidates is one of the largest the party has seen in its history, with 17 runners still on the board and largely polling in single-digits.

A further nine candidates have dropped out of the race so far, including New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Beto O’Rourke.

Real Clear Politics’ Democratic primary polling average puts former Vice President Biden in the lead with a little more than 28 percent support among Democrat voters.

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