Former Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland endorses Joe Biden in 2020 Democratic primary

Former Gov. Ted Strickland and Vice President Joe Biden stand together on stage during a campaign event at Portsmouth High School, Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012, in Portsmouth, Ohio. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Former Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland announced today he is endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming 2020 primary election.

“I think Biden is the person who has the ability to win in Ohio,” Strickland said in an interview with “That’s not the only reason I’m endorsing him, though. I’ve known Biden for more than a couple of decades. He’s a fellow who fights for working people and he’s honest, ethical and experienced.”

Strickland said Biden was a candidate who could draw support from all corners of the Democratic Party as well as independents. Biden’s strength with women, African American and LGBTQ voters made him a formidable primary and general election presence, Strickland said.

Strickland served as governor of the state from 2007 to 2011, the last Democrat elected to that office.

Incidentally, his name was floated as a potential vice presidential pick for then-Sen. Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. That spot would eventually go to Biden.

Biden campaign manager Greg Schultz is also a former adviser to Strickland.

Strickland backed Washington Gov. Jay Inslee from the onset of the election, his former roommate during their years together in Congress.

Strickland’s backing is arguably the highest-profile one in Ohio yet for the Biden campaign, which has rolled out nearly 40 current and former elected officials, including Youngstown-area Rep. Tim Ryan, who ran for president earlier this year.

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