FBI Reviewing Claims Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother

WASHINGTON, DC — The Federal Bureau of Investigation is reviewing claims Rep. Ilhan Omar married her brother, The Post has learned.

Two FBI agents held an hours-long meeting in Minnesota in mid-October with a concerned party who handed over a trove of documents regarding Omar’s 2009 marriage to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, a source with knowledge of the event said.

At the meeting, first reported by website The Blaze, the agents discussed concerns the Somali-born Democrat married Elmi, a British citizen rumored to be her brother, so he could obtain a green card and study in America, the source said.

The two agents said they would share the information with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the US Department of Education, but did not commit to opening an investigation into the firebrand lawmaker, the source said.

If Omar did marry her brother, she could be found guilty of committing marriage fraud — a felony offense punishable with a prison sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to $250,000.

The three government agencies said they would not confirm the existence of any ongoing or potential investigation.

Congresswoman Omar’s office did not respond to request for comment but she has repeatedly denied the allegations — calling them “disgusting lies.”

The 38-year-old’s complicated personal life has been the subject of enduring scrutiny since she was sent to Congress at the 2018 midterm elections.

In October, the mom-of-three filed for divorce from husband Ahmed Hirsi after The Post exclusively revealed allegations she was having an affair with DC political consultant Tim Mynett.

Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Hirsi.
Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Hirsi. Facebook

Omar initially denied the split, but one source in the Minneapolis Somali community said the pair broke up months before and claimed Omar was privately lobbying Hirsi to divorce her.

Hirsi, the father of her three children, remarried just 37 days after the divorce was finalized in November and Omar has been repeatedly photographed leaving the same Washington, DC, apartment as Mynett.

However, it’s Omar’s 2009 marriage to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi which has raised eyebrows and now prompted the involvement of the FBI, with records indicating she lived with both men at the same time.

Omar and Hirsi were engaged in 2002 but never legally married, having a Muslim ceremony instead, Omar said. They had two children before splitting in 2008.

The next year, the congresswoman married Elmi, who she described as a “British citizen” on their marriage license.

Allegations that Elmi is Omar’s brother first emerged in a since-deleted post to the Somali Spot message board by a user named AbdiJohnson in 2016. Conservative blogger Scott Johnson picked up the claims on his Power Line blog, and they were later repeated by President Trump.

The Somali-community source personally observed Omar, Elmi and Hirsi all living together in the same family home in Cedar-Riverside with the couple’s two children.

The trio then decamped to North Dakota where Omar began studying political science at North Dakota State University in August 2009, the source said. Elmi also studied there for a period but dropped out, records show.

Omar and Elmi split two years later in 2011 and the freshman lawmaker got back together with Hirsi and they had a third child in 2012, records show.

However, it wasn’t until 2017 that Omar finally got around to divorcing Elmi. She legally wed Hirsi just months later — right in time before she was sworn into office in 2018.

When Omar and Elmi separated in 2011, the congresswoman claimed she couldn’t get in touch with him because he’d moved to the UK and she didn’t know where he was.

In divorce papers asking to dissolve their marriage by alternate means in 2017, Omar swore under penalty of perjury that she had no way of contacting Elmi and said his last known location was London in June 2011.

But lease and eviction records and traffic violations reviewed by The Post suggest Elmi was in the US the whole time — living just 2.6 miles away from her at an apartment in downtown Minneapolis.

Omar launched her re-election bid on Thursday after a turbulent term where she was criticized for her anti-Semitic remarks, showed reluctance to sanction Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan and was slapped with multiple campaign finance complaints after her alleged lover received more than $370,000 from her campaign.

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